AN/TPQ – 36 Firefighter AN/TPQ – 37 Firefighter AN/TPQ – 47 Firefighter CFMRE CIV IBAS LAV-AD M-60

Mil-Std & COTS Power Supplies, AC/DC & DC/DC Converters
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For over 25 years Century Electronics, a Division of Perillo Industries Inc., has been designing and manufacturing Mil-Spec and COTS power solutions for virtually every branch of the military including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard, providing custom Power Supplies, Converters and Inverters to meet the highest standards of quality, reliability, and efficiency. All of Century Electronics products are engineered and produced in accordance with, among others, MIL-STD-704 (Air Force), MIL-STD-1299 (Army), and MIL-STD-1399 (Navy) and their revisions. Century’s products are also qualified to meet the standards for MIL-STD-461 (EMI), MIL-STD-810 (Environmental Test Methods), and MIL-STD-901 (High Impact Shock). In addition, the Production Group is certified to IPC J-STD-001, Class 3 along with IPC-A-610. Our facility is registered to AS9100 Rev D, Certified (Certification No. FM 538917). As an award winning, Woman Owned Small Business, Century Electronics goals are to exceed customer expectations and to provide “Best in Class” power products to our customers and their end users by implementing the highest levels of quality in manufacturing, reliability and design innovation.
Century Electronics is dedicated to providing competitively priced power products of unsurpassed quality, reliability, value, and performance to satisfy our customer’s continually evolving requirements.
With a commitment to the highest standards of excellence in all aspects of our business practices, the management team at Century fosters a customer oriented work environment with a focus on quality, consistency, reliability, and innovation.
With a 15 year average length of employment, Century Electronics greatest assets are our highly experienced managers, engineers, technicians, and production employees who’s unending commitment to continuously exceed the highest level of expectations has been key to our success over the last two decades.